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Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity is pleased to announce the installation of the Delta Upsilon Chapter at Boise State University on Sunday, December 5, 2010. Alpha Gamma Delta joins two other NPC groups on Boise State’s campus. Delta Upsilon Chapter is the 185th installed chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta.
Collegians from Delta Beta Chapter-Washington State University served as members of the initiating team. Sheila Kelley Sola, International Vice President-Extension, served as the Installing Officer.
“The Greek community at Boise State is relatively young but has added Greek groups in addition to Alpha Gamma Delta in the past year. We look forward to nurturing our relationship with the campus and further aiding in the growth of a strong and valuable Greek system,” Sheila said.
Led by Toastmistress Sara Bartles, Recruitment Advisor, the Feast of Roses banquet was held at the Owyhee Plaza Hotel in Boise. Parents, sisters and friends of Alpha Gamma Delta joined together for this celebration of sisterhood. To document their colony experience, the newly-initiated sisters presented a video they created about sisterhood, contributing to the world’s work and what starting a new chapter means to them. View the video at
“From the colony’s beginning, we’ve challenged these women to look beyond the here and now to see the greater impact they can have on the world,” Annie Raeder, Leadership Consultant, said. “They have bold ambitions for both this chapter and for their future lives. The women have a purposeful commitment to meet these goals.”
The new chapter was presented with Ritual materials from the Fraternity. Gail Calkins Duree, Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustee, announced to the chapter that the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation would be giving a $1,000 scholarship to a member of the chapter next fall.
