Support an extraordinary group of Alpha Gamma Deltas by becoming a Pearl Sister! Once our colonization recruitment events are held, a list of our new members and their hometowns will be compiled. We will match each new member up with an alumna volunteer who will encourage her throughout her new member period. Pearl Sisters do not need to live close to the colony in order to participate. Communication can be anything from chatting on facebook or twitter to sending her cards, emails or phone calls. This is a great opportunity to convey that an Alpha Gam sister is always close! This program extends through the new member period, culminating at Initiation. However, these connections often last a lifetime. Below are ways that we encourage you to keep in contact with your Pearl Sister. Feel free to be creative and add your own ideas! - Send a weekly email or card to let her know you are thinking of her. - Help to educate your Pearl Sister on the Purpose, history and other aspect of Alph...