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2012-2013 Officers

2012-2013 ODAC Officers by ODACAGD
2012-2013 ODAC Officers, a photo by ODACAGD on Flickr.
The election results and your new 2012-2013 officers were announced at the Oscars party on Sunday, February 26th!

Congratulations to the new officers!

Katie Eichin, President
Jess Beer, Vice President
Erin Sager, Treasurer
Alison Wright, Permanent Secretary
Heather Rider, Editor
Judy Baldwin, Panhellenic Delegate
Kat Paskaris, Alternate Panhellenic Delegate

Be sure to wish the officers success in their new positions!

Save the Date for Thursday, May 10 when we hold our End of Year Party where we will install our new officers and recognize sisters who have reached great milestones within Alpha Gam!
Add the End of Year party to your 
