We are looking for hostesses for Alpha Gam in the Neighborhood during the week of November 4 - 10!
If you're interested in hosting sisters in YOUR neighborhood, email us at odacagd@gmail.com. Being a hostess is easy! All you have to do is pick a day and time during the week above, pick an activity (like dinner, happy hour, movie, hayride, your choice!), and let us know! Then make any reservations that might be necessary and have a great time with your sisters!
If you're interested in hosting sisters in YOUR neighborhood, email us at odacagd@gmail.com. Being a hostess is easy! All you have to do is pick a day and time during the week above, pick an activity (like dinner, happy hour, movie, hayride, your choice!), and let us know! Then make any reservations that might be necessary and have a great time with your sisters!
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