Below are the offices up for election this spring. The President and Treasurer offices are two year terms and will be up for election in 2014!
Vice President
She must be able to organize member and telephone calling lists. She must have the ability to meet and greet others with warmth and enthusiasm. She should have excellent communication skills. She must be able to assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in her absence or at her call.
Recording Secretary
She must be able to translate the spoken word into written with clarity and accuracy, be meticulous in detail, be able to type, be prompt in completing minutes and be faithful in attendance at meetings.
Permanent Secretary
She must be able to work alone, be conscientious in keeping accurate and up‐to‐date records, be neat and accurate in details. It is desirable that she have a wide knowledge of members over many years.
She must have the ability to write in an interesting style, have knowledge of composition and grammar, be alert to newsworthy items and be informed about Fraternity policies and terminology. Some training or experience in journalism is helpful. Knowledge and use of computers is desirable.
Panhellenic Delegate and Alternate
She must represent the alumnae club at all Alumnae Panhellenic functions and to report all Panhellenic actions to the alumnae club. She will also serve as the alumnae club voting delegate to the Alumnae Panhellenic. The Alternate will assume the duties of the delegate in her absence.
If you are interested in running or would like to nominate a sister for an office, please email Katie Eichin at
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