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NVAPA Undergraduate and Alumnae Scholarship Applications Available

The Northern Virginia Alumnae Panhellenic Association (NVAPA) is pleased to announce two scholarships this year:

Undergraduate Scholarship

The first scholarship program is the undergraduate scholarship, which benefits a woman student and member of a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Greek sorority and attends a college or university. One $1,500 scholarship will be awarded each spring. Applicants must be a rising junior or rising senior (4th or 5th year). The scholarship is merit-based; financial need will not be a selection criterion. The scholarship funds ($1,500) will be designated for tuition and provided as a credit toward the student's tuition.

Graduate Scholarship

The second scholarship program is the graduate scholarship, which benefits a dues-paying member of an alumnae chapter of a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Greek sorority. The alumnae chapter must be a member of the NVAPA. The scholarship is merit-based; financial need will not be a selection criterion. The scholarship funds ($1,500) will be designated for tuition and provided as a credit toward the student's tuition.

Forms can be found online on the NVAPA website:
