Our lives are busy. DC Hustle + Working Moms +
Rush Hour Traffic. Sisterhood should not add to our list of duties. In the spirit of less hustle + more grace, I'd like to propose a new way of doing business for ODAC this coming year.
In the past, we elected a slate of officers who had very formal responsibilities designated by IHQ per our bylaws. Those roles are valuable for operations, but they don't really contribute to the sisterhood of ODAC on a regular basis AND for various reasons, it always seems to be too much for one person to consistently take on for an entire year.
How would you feel about changing things up this year?
Instead of officers, I propose we have sisters sign up for 1 responsibility, e.g.
- schedule 1 event
- bring 1 dish to 1 potluck
- create 1 event invitation
- attend 1 meeting and take notes
- organize 1 event at a food pantry
- host 1 get together
For oversight purposes, we will still have an official President (me, Christina Minderman) and Treasurer (Jessica Beer) and Panhellenic Rep (Judy Baldwin) but everything else would go on a signup sheet and we can each sign up for 1 thing (or more!) we are willing and able to do that suits YOUR schedule.
We could try it for a year and then decide in the Spring if we like this model and want to make it official, or if we want to go back to doing a full slate for officer elections.
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts. Please comment or email with your feedback, or join the conversation in the thread on our Facebook group.
Christina Morton Minderman
ODAC President 2016-2018
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