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Scholarship Opportunities

If you know an Alpha Gam collegian or are heading back to school yourself, there are several scholarships opportunities available in the Northern Virginia / DC area for you to apply!

Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation

Are you an Alpha Gam planning to attend school full-time (graduate or undergraduate) in the 2012-13 academic year? If so, learn about what scholarships might be available to you.

The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Scholarship Application deadline is March 1, 2012. Please note: for your convenience, the required Recommendation Form is now a separate document.
Download the Scholarship Application and Recommendation Form.

Email with questions.

Alumnae Panhellenic Association of Washington, DC

Each year the Alumnae Panhellenic Association of Washington, DC awards scholarships to worthy women to enable further academic pursuits. In 2011, the Association awarded two scholarships of $1,000 each. We hope to award at least the same amount of money this year, and reserve the right to determine how many scholarships will be awarded and in what amount. The applicant eligibility criteria are as follows: (1) Member in good standing of a fully participating sorority of the National Panhellenic Conference; (2) Rising sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student in Fall 2012; and (3) From the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area OR attending school in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

Applications are due by March 15, 2012. Click here for the application.
Scholarship recipients shall be chosen at the Association’s discretion, based on a combination of scholarship merit and the quality of the application, short essay and recommendation. Incomplete applications or those not in compliance with the instructions provided may be discarded at the Association’s discretion. Recipients will be notified on or before April 15, 2012.

Undergraduate Scholarship
The first scholarship program is the undergraduate scholarship, which benefits a woman student and member of a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Greek sorority and attends a college or university.  One $1,500 scholarship will be awarded each spring.  Applicants must be a rising junior or rising senior (4th or 5th year).  The scholarship is merit-based; financial need will not be a selection criterion.  The scholarship funds ($1,500) will be designated for tuition and provided as a credit toward the student's tuition. Applications are due by March 31, 2012. Click here for the application.

Graduate Scholarship
The second scholarship program is the graduate scholarship, which benefits a dues-paying member of an alumnae chapter of a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Greek sorority.  The alumnae chapter must be a member of the NVAPA.  The scholarship is merit-based; financial need will not be a selection criterion.  The scholarship funds ($1,500) will be designated for tuition and provided as a credit toward the student's tuition. Applications are due by March 31, 2012Click here for the application.
